Fantasy Forces ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reviewed by - The Grave Digger Intro ~~~~~ Does anyone remember playing tabletop battles? You know, little painted lead armies of elves and dwarves marching across fake landscapes to the tune of rolling dice? How we cheered when the last Lich fell beneath the swords of the White Knights, how we scattered in terror when the zombie dragon fell screaming out of the sun (table lamp) and ripped my poor dwarf champion to a million pieces, and how everyone laughed when my mate went home because he lost again!! This game brings back memories very much like those I've mentioned. It tries to recreate the tabletop battle games and in my opinion it does it quite well. It's very much like Lords Of Chaos, but less involved. The Game ~~~~~~~~ It's for 2-4 players. Each player can set up an army of various characters ranging from simple soldiers to large red Demons from hell. Each player can have up to 200 points in which to build his army. Each character that you choose will take up a few points, for instance, if you wanted a Elf Ranger with a bow in your army, it would cost you (Elf=3)+(Bow=2)=5 points. So you could have an army of 40 Elf Rangers all running around with bows in their hands. Spell casters are available as well with Wizards to Necromancers and the odd Healer there as well. There are two types of scenarios available, Total Slaughter, which is a kill everything in sight game or Standard Defender where an army must capture the others War Standard by killing the character holding it. The playing areas provided range from small to large with a few castles thrown in. Due to the nature of the terrain in the game areas the characters can only see things in line of sight so your never sure whats round that next tree! You can also edit the play areas to suit your gaming needs, anything from tightly packed to huge areas. Also you can configure the terrain, rocks trees holes in the ground, rotting graves etc... so your never stuck with the same old games. The game can also have time limit set up to 100 turns, the game will end there even if no-one has died! The Good/Bad Points ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well I love it! It is one of the best games I've played in a long time. There is a good balance of characters to choose from, and the games can last for a long time if you creep around and try hit and run tactics. The ability to edit the existing map areas or create your own in great, you can have a rocky mountain pass, a heavily packed forest or an abandoned graveyard filled to the brim with undead! I like having one army consisting of all Dwarves against an army of Dark Elves and seeing who wins! It can become very nail biting when you only have two archers defending your standard bearer, while the other player has swamp trolls closing in fast from all angles! This is only an early version and the docs say the author is changing it to run in C so the next version should be better. Although I do think it could do with a few enhancements. First it would be nice for a computer controlled army that way you don't have to have a friend to play it with. A few more weapons like broad swords, pikes, shields and the ability for a standard bearer to have a weapon would help as well. Horses and other transport, like chariots, dragons characters, Bigger playing areas and more terrain to add as well. And what I would like is the ability to create a Champion character. Apart from that I would recommend this game to any fantasy gamer who likes a good sword bashing!!!!! Cheers.... The Grave Digger This game is available on these boards: Channel-X 0181 943 5187 The Graveyard 01708 452284 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An offline version of this game is being tested on The Graveyard BBS, if you are interested and want to play against The Grave Digger and win a reward for coming first then give my BBS a call on 01708 452284. END ===